mercredi 10 avril 2019

Facebook guarantees to prevent Asking You To want Happy Birthday To Your Friend UN agency Died

Facebook guarantees to prevent Asking You To want Happy Birthday To Your Friend UN agency Died:
On Facebook, people linger long after death.
A friend's image would possibly crop up on a timeline.
A child's video would possibly show up in Facebook "Memories," highlighting what happened on this date in years past.
Sometimes these reminders bring a smile to the faces of friends and family left behind.

But Facebook's algorithms haven't always been tactful.
Unless somebody expressly informs Facebook that a loved one has died, Facebook has been known to remind friends to send birthday greetings, or invite a deceased loved one to
an event.
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg on Monday proclaimed that the social network can use computer science to science somebody has died, and stop sending those kinds of notifications.
Sandberg did not justify precisely however the new computer science options can work, but a Facebook spokesperson told NPR the company will look at a variety of signals that might
indicate the person is deceased.
The voice would not give details on what those signals could also be.

The new feature is a component of Facebook's continued tries to traumatize death.
With more than 2 billion active users, the social media company also has millions of users who will never be active again. Facebook has long permitted users to "memorialize" a page by submitting proof of death — which stops the automatic birthday notifications.
And in 2015 the corporate introduced options to assist sure users man of the cloth those pages once death.

But the corporate has conjointly long-faced its share of missteps — for example when its year-in-review videos highlighted photos of family members who had recently died.
Some users have found it troublesome to win over Facebook that a loved one extremely was dead.
And in 2016 Facebook accidentally declared in numerous users dead — together with founder Mark Zuckerberg.
(The company called it a "terrible error.")
Facebook says it's many thousands of memorialized accounts.
But there are seemingly much more accounts that haven't been memorialized.
Estimates vary, however, the BBC rumored in 2016 that quite thirty million Facebook users were seemingly dead.

Stories abound of users UN agency been asked to act with somebody who has died.
If the new algorithms do their job, they have the potential to keep the profiles of deceased loved one from "appearing in painful ways," Sandberg said.

Facebook is additionally adding options to memorialized accounts, such as a new "Tributes" section that will let visitors share posts in a new tab while preserving the user's original timeline.
"Legacy contacts" — a loved one or friend UN agency has been broached to manage the page just in case of death — are ready to modification privacy settings on
those posts.
The company also will prohibit UN agency will declare that a user has died.
Up so far, Wired reports, anyone could memorialize an account, for instance by sending in a news story stating someone has died.
Under the new rules, only friends and family will be able to request an account be memorialized.

"We hope Facebook remains an area wherever the memory and spirit of our idolized ones will be celebrated and live to tell the tale," Sandberg aforementioned.


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